Toasted almond
9 June 2020
Oak aromas in wines – Toasted almond
The aromatic note of toasted almond is one of the smells that oak can give to wine during ageing. It is mainly due to the presence of the furfural molecule. This molecule is one of the “empyreumatic” compounds, it’s formed by the heating stage in cooperage. Indeed, heating, or “bousinage”, will induce degradation of certain components of the wood like cellulose which will give rise to furfural, among others.
The note “toasted almond” will bring sweetness and will remind the taster of gourmet aromas of desserts and pastry.
The series of “Oak aromas in wines” highlights the odorous molecules that oak gives to wines during ageing. The wines ageing in barrels brings complexity to the wine, from the aromatic point of view but also roundness and volume in the mouth. The oenologist and the cooper are very careful about the implementation of this winemaking step because the contribution of the barrel is subtle and integrated: the barrel enhances the wine without distorting it.