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The Groupe Charlois and the Forest Certification Recognition Program

7 March 2019

Since 2004, the Charlois Group has been committed to the sustainable forest management program (PEFC), with Bureau Veritas Certification annually certifying compliance with the standards established by PEFC


What is PEFC?

PEFC is an international NGO with the mission to protect forests, ensure respect for those who live, work, and spend time in them, and to sustain forest resources to meet humanity’s wood needs today and in the future.


PEFC: Raising Awareness of Forest Environmental Challenge

The major environmental conferences of the 1990s gave rise to numerous initiatives in sustainable development, involving populations, businesses, local authorities, NGOs, and trade unions.

The PEFC certification system was established in 1999 in France, supported by nature conservation associations, public authorities, and stakeholders in the forest-wood sector.

PEFC certification promotes sustainable forest management and provides benefits such as:

    • For the environment: Protection of forests (as reservoirs of biodiversity, CO2 absorbers, and climate regulators). ;
    • For citizens: Protection of those who live and work in forests, as well as welcoming the public.;
    • For the economy: Sustainable and economically beneficial forest management.

When displayed on a wood or wood-based product, the PEFC label assures consumers that the product comes from responsible sources and that their purchase supports sustainable forest management.


PEFC: Global Leader in Forest Certification

Originally a European system established in 1999, PEFC became a global system in 2001. It is represented by the PEFC Council (PEFCC), an international non-profit, non-governmental organization.

With nearly 50 member countries and over 303 million hectares of certified forests, PEFC is the global leader in forest certification and the world’s largest source of certified wood.


To Learn Much More… Cliquer ici




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