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Red Oak

22 October 2020

Red oak (Quercus rubra) belongs to the Fagaceae family. Its name comes from the flamboyant colour of its leaves in autumn.

Deciduous tree, Red oak high is between 25 and 35 meters and its lifespan is between 150 and 200 years with a very rapid juvenile growth. Its trunk is slightly flexuous and often forked. Its crown is airy. Leaves are 12 to 20cm long and have 7 to 9 lobes ended withs 1 to 3 points. Acorns, housed in flattened cupulas, are pretty bigs (2 to 2,5cm long).


Natural area of geographic dispersion

Its natural area of geographic dispersion extends in the eastern part of the USA and in the south-east part of the Canada (Provinces of Ontario and Québec).

It was introduced to France in the 18th century as ornamental tree. Red oak is mainly found in the north-east, in the center and in the south-west of France up to 800 meters in altitude. Red oak French resource is around 7 millions cubic meters of standing timber.


Uses of Red oak

In the USA and in Canada, Red oak is used for cabinetwork, design, parquet, stairs, curved wood and furniture. Red oak does not suit for cooperage due to the absence, or to the low presence, of tyloses in its heartwood.


Red oak particularities

Red oak survives in light shade. Its red leaves in autumn give it a huge ornamental and scenic interest.


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