Markings Related to Forest Management
13 May 2021During walks in forests, one cannot miss the different markings on trees. But what do they mean?
There are 2 types of markings: those intended to mark hiking and cycling trails and those related to forest management.
When a forest is subject to a sustainable management plan, markings are made, generally at human height, to identify the trees to be cut or, on the contrary, those to be preserved. These markings allow loggers to easily identify them.
Warm colors (red, orange, yellow): represent trees to be harvested.
Cool colors (white, green, blue): represent the more permanent marking of trees to be preserved.
More precisely :
- La The horizontal white mark constitutes the boundary of the zone concerned by the intervention.
- La The horizontal orange markencircling the trunk represents a “future tree”, meaning a straight and knot-free tree that is intended to be grown to maturity. Any forest operator will receive a fine if this tree is damaged.
- Le The orange triangle represents a tree reserved for biodiversity. This means it has been intentionally left in the plot. These trees, often dead or showing cavities and cracks, become a refuge for a multitude of species (insects, fungi, birds…) that use them as shelter or food.
- Les Red (or sometimes orange) dots indicate that the tree will soon be harvested. Thus, the plot will become more illuminated, and foresters will work on its regeneration. Since light is necessary for the growth of future trees, this action ensures good forest management.
- Les The vertical blue or white lines represent the cloisonnement axis (also called a path) planned by the ONF and reserved for the passage of tractors, skidders, and forwarders. This preserves the soil by reducing the area traveled by these machines.
- Les The blue or white chevrons indicate the edges of the cloisonnement. Positioned parallel every 20 meters, drivers must follow them and not deviate. To ensure visibility, blue and white cloisonnements are alternated..
- Les The green “M” markings serve as a reference for installing hunting stands. Indeed, the ONF contributes to maintaining the balance between forests and animal populations by organizing hunting activities.
Without human intervention, the forest could not produce, in sufficient quantity and quality, wood capable of meeting society’s needs while continuing to develop. This is why a management plan is drawn up over several decades, depending on the tree species to be favored and the type of regeneration.This management plan is the guarantee of the forest’s durability, its proper growth, and the respect for biodiversity.
Therefore, when you see markings on trees during your forest walks, it means that this forest benefits from a sustainable management plan