Map of the ducal forests around Champallement (1789)
24 January 2019
Forests of Compierre, « Mont-Maçon » (Montmasson) and Champallement once depended on the châtellenie of Champallement. Located on Champallement municipality, those former ducal forests are now private forests.
Forests of Compierre, « Mont-Maçon » (Montmasson) and Champallement once depended on the châtellenie of Champallement. Located on Champallement municipality, those former ducal forests are now private forests.
Those former ducal forests were grouped to the Châtellenies of Montenoison and Mont-Reuillon to form a single 22 cuts rotation, started in 1789. The Atlas also indicates that wood logged in those forests were intended for Paris consumption and awarded in Clamecy because this town was strategically positioned on the Yonne river used since the 16th century for timber rafting.
Finally, the forest of Compierre still hosts today the vestiges of a gallo-roman city wich expanded, from the 1st century BC to the 4th century AD, along the Roman road from Entrains-sur-Nohains to Autun.