Map of the Bois aux Merles (1789)
25 April 2019
Bois aux Merles once depended on the Chatellenie of Nevers. This forest, located on Sauvigny-les-Bois municipality, is now a private forest except the septentrional part of the forest massif (cut n° 1) which is part of the Amognes national forest.
Bois aux Merles once depended on the Chatellenie of Nevers. This forest, located on Sauvigny-les-Bois municipality, is now a private forest except the septentrional part of the forest massif (cut n° 1) which is part of the Amognes national forest.
The atlas specifies that “the Bois aux Merles containing 609 arpents 20 perches [approximately 312 hectares] is divided in sixteen parts, seven of them belong to the Duke, two to the Prieur de St Etienne de Nevers, three to M. de Cougny, two to the Chapitre de Nevers and two to the Seigneur de Sury. This forest divided in six cuts with the consent of co-owners has been harvested between 1784 and 1789. After 20 years it will be harvested for a new revolution.”
Bois aux Merles was divided in 6 cuts belonging to 5 owners. One cut of this forest is now part of the Amognes national forest because this part belonged to the Chapitre de Nevers whose properties have been confiscated after the French revolution. As a matter of fact, national forests are in significant measure consisting in former clergy properties.