Map of the Bellefaye forest (1789)
9 May 2019
Bellefaye forest once depended on the Chatellenie of Châteauneuf-Val-de-Bargis belonging to the Dukes of Nevers since the 16th century.
Bellefaye forest once depended on the Chatellenie of Châteauneuf-Val-de-Bargis belonging to the Dukes of Nevers since the 16th century. This forest, located on Sainte-Colombe-des-Bois municipality, now be part of the Bellary national forest as the Champdoux old forest and the Brosse-Pelée forest. The Champdoux little forest and the Champ Cloutier forest are now private forests.
The atlas indicates that the Bellefaye forest has been exploited between 1782 and 1787. This forest was intended to the forges and furnaces of the Eminence, Bailly (Donzy) and Champdoux (Sainte-Colombe-des-Bois) consumption.
Bellefaye forest as well as Brosse-Pelée forest and Champdoux old forest were acquired by the State between the two world wars to extend the Bellary national forest. Bellefaye forest corresponds today to plots 10-15-19-20-21 and part of plots 9-13-14-17-18, whereas Brosse-Pelée forest and Champdoux old forest today corresponds to plots 39-40-41-42.