Louis Charlois (1721-1776)
30 July 2020Son of Jacques Charlois and Antoinette Gauthier, Louis was born in Chaulgnes on 12 February 1721 during the Regency (1715-1723), period in which Philippe d’Orléans exercised power on behalf of Louis XV, too young to rule the kingdom.
At that time, local history reveals that the Bertranges forest was under pressure from forest users. So judgments had been delivered in 1687 and 1738 to try to preserve the Bertranges forest.
It is in this context that Louis Charlois, son, grandson and great grandson of splitter, settled as roofer in Chaulgnes as mentioned in his daughter birth certificate (25 August 1743). He didn’t randomly choose this profession because his father was already simultaneously splitter and roofer. The certificate also mentioned that Marie’s godfather, Jean Blondelet, was tile maker. So, tile and shingle were used at the same time for roofs in Chaulgnes during the 18th century.
Louis Charlois married Reine Blondelet on 1742. Also native of Chaulgnes and born, as Louis, in 1721, Reine is a daughter of a winemaker. Louis and Reine birth certificates show that they both had the same godmother: Reine Raisin, wife of Claude Charlois, brother of Louis’ father.
Louis Charlois died on 28 January 1776, three days after his wife’s death. Furthermore, his death certificate mentioned that he was “marguillier”. An important information about Louis Charlois social position in the parish of Chaulgnes because the “marguillier” were appointed from among the local notables.
We invite you to join us after a short summer break to discover the rest of the Charlois family story and many more news that promise a September rich in content and new.
Guillaume Tozer.
Picture: Birth certificate of Marie Charlois (25 août 1743) © Archives départementales de la Nièvre