Legacy, our inheritance
26 January 2021To see absolutely (and to relay widely) this evening on M6 at 9:05 pm: “Legacy, our inheritance” – the latest documentary film of Yann Arthus-Bertrand diffused in worldwide premiere. Throughout the images, Yann Arthus-Bertrand evokes his fifty years of commitment, the evolution of humanity and its impact on the planet, with the history of the world’s energy as a common thread. Ten years after “Home”, according to him, it is his most personal film and also the most difficult to make. Almost two years of work were necessary for him to make this film on “the end of the world”. Striving not to make a disaster movie, “Legacy” is also about hope. Therefore, Yann Arthus-Bertrand wants to be an educator, with a film that is targeting everyone. The solutions exist but are complicated. “Legacy” gives the reasons and the courage to face the truth. We have to make up with nature.
In a video-press-conference early January 2021, Yann Arthus-Bertrand confronted us with simple truths that are difficult to hear: “There are a lot of people who don’t want to see the truth in the face. Every day, on the radio, in the television news, we can see melting ice, global warming … These words have no force. But you have to fight, until the end. Maybe we won’t, but at least we will have tried. He adds, “We’re all going to die one day, for sure, as long as the time left to live is important. I’m 74, I was environmentalist when I was 20. I never thought I would speak, 50 years later, of the end of mankind. The solutions are to avoid fossil fuels, which are at the center of our economy. You must make a choice. (…) There are no lobbies that push us to put gasoline in our cars or to eat pesticides”.
Because everyone has a role to play, everyone has the power and the duty to act and mobilize, Yann Arthus-Bertrand created the GoodPlanet association in 2005, aware of the impact of his own activities on the climate. He then set up “Action Carbone” and financed renewable energy, energy efficiency and reforestation projects. It is thus striving to offset the greenhouse gas emissions generated by its activities and, more broadly, invites other institutions to do the same.
Focused on the economy and in an effort to spend as little carbon as possible, most of the footage in the documentary “Legacy” comes from his personnal archives. To see and see again, this evening, without moderation!