Jean Charlois (1782-1805)
29 October 2020
Son of Claude Charlois and Jeanne Chavance, Jean, sixth generation, was born in Chaulgnes on 10 October 1782 under the reign of Louis XVI. The Kingdom of France was at that time in an major economic and financial crisis due in part to the support France has given to the rebels of the British colonies during the United States War of Independence (1775-1783).
Jean Charlois (1782-1805), roofer, married Jeanne Lithier (or Lithier depending on the civil certificates) on 14 Pluviôse An IX (3 February 1801). Born on 1781 in Saint-Aubin-les-Forges, Jeanne Lithier was daughter of a logger. Her birth certificate indicates that her godfather was “pierre merlin Bûcheron” (logger), relative of her mother, Claudine Merlin. Her maternal family’s patronym, or aptonym, is certainly linked to their logger activity because a “merlin” is a tool to split wood.
Jean and Jeanne Charlois had one son, Louis, born on 28 Germinal An X (18 April 1802). Jean was then called up for military service to join the fighting forces of Napoléon’s Grande Armée. He was killed two years later: “conscrit de l’an douze tué sur le champ de bataille le quatorze brumaire an quatorze ainsi quil resulte du certificat de décès délivré par M. Le Secrétaire de Son Excellence le ministre de la guerre” (extract from Jean Charlois birth certificate, 1807).
After the death of Jean (1782-1805), one of his brother, Louis, also roofer, born on 1779, set up home with his sister-in-law, Jeanne Lithier, with which he had a son, Jean, born on 1807, ancestor in direct line of Sylvain Charlois: “L’an mil huit cens sept le vingt quatre du mois d’aoust […] est comparu Louis Charlois couvreur […] lequel nous a présenté un enfant de sexe masculin […] de luy déclarant et de Jeanne Litier sa belle sœur veuve de Jean Charlois”.
Jean Charlois (1807-1879) and Jeanne Moutet marriage certificate, seventh generation, specifies the identity of his parents: ”fils majeur de Jeanne Litier veuve de feu Jean Charlois conscrit de l’an douze […] déclaré et reconnu par Louis Charlois pour son fils naturel”.
Finally, Jean Charlois (1807-1879) birth certificate indicates that the registration has been done in the presence of ”Jean Lechat agé de quarante sept ans garde forestier demeurant en la commune de Tronsanges département de la Nièvre beau frère paternel du père de l’Enfant et de Guillaume Mouron agé de vingt sept ans vigneron demeurant au bourg de cette commune cousin paternel du père de l’Enfant”. The enumeration of the professions of the Charlois family’s relatives reveals the close connection linked this family to forest and wine for generations.
Photo: Jean Charlois birth certificate, 1807 © Archives départementales de la Nièvre