Eugène Charlois
11 January 2020
120 years ago, on 11 January 1900, was born Eugène Charlois at his parents’ home in the municipality of Chaulgnes. On 10 July 1926, he married Marie Poncelet with whom he had three children (Roger, Gisèle and Denis). This marriage, celebrated in Murlin, is the first dating event connecting Eugène Charlois to the municipality of Murlin.
Son, grandson, brother and nephew of stave splitters, Eugène naturally turns to that profession. He opened his first workshop in 1928 in Murlin (Maison Charlois) where the eponymous group is still conducting today a large part of its activities.
Eugène Charlois is registered as stave splitters in 1939 by the 20th War Wood Military Center, district of Nièvre. His military serial number corroborates his profession.
He also plays an active role in local life. Municipal archives preserve several documents as for example a subscription book for the electrification of Murlin in which we can notice that Eugène Charlois subscribed an obligation for 500 francs on 16 April 1928.
Eugène Charlois was elected deputy mayor in 1945, then mayor in 1959. He has been mayor until his death on 9 August 1969.