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The great socio-economic changes in the population of Murlin during the 19th century

26 September 2019

Population censuses are very useful because, as a snapshot of a precise moment, they inform us about the demographic composition of a territory. Data collected in Murlin through the population censuses shed light on the changes in the professional structure of the village population during the 19th century.


As a matter of fact, after the closure of the small forges of the Bertranges forest, the labour force has evolved towards the forest sector. In 1820, Murlin had 14 heads of household (on 68) working in the iron industry. Sixty years later, in 1861, they are no more iron workers in Murlin. They have been replaced by loggers: 25 in 1881 then 30 in 1891 and 32 in 1901 (on 81 heads of household).


All the elements were thus in place (ressouces and know-how) for Eugène Charlois to start, twenty-some years later, his activity in Murlin.



Photo © Raoul Saulnier d’Anchald [ca. 1900]

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