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Upstream from the cooperage

Upstream from the cooperage #3 – Oak sales

1 February 2024

Oaks may be sold either standing, roadside or cut to size.


Standing timber: lTrees offered for sale are marked or selected by the seller (ONF, forestry expert…), in the forest, to form a batch. Once the deed of sale has been signed, the buyer becomes the owner and is responsible for harvesting, felling and transporting them.

Roadside timber: the seller is responsible for harvesting and skidding. The logs offered for sale are placed at the roadside. Transport is the responsibility of the buyer.

Cutting: The logs are cut and sorted specifically for their use. They are generally visible on the seller’s premises.


Oak sales take place all year round

Sales can be concluded with the seller, or at a bidding auction attended by all potential buyers. Sellers make oak sales catalogs available to prospects. They include identification information (item number, parcel wood number, forest of origin, agent responsible (for the ONF), composition (number of trees or pieces by wood species, volume by category, quality and diameter) and various observations on quality, skidding, delivery and so on. Among other things, the identification data enables buyers to visit the parcel or batches before sale.


Photography © Christophe Deschanel




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