« Wine & Music, harmony and dissonance » La Cité du Vin, Bordeaux
14 May 2018
With almost 150 visual and audible artworks, the temporary exhibition “Wine & Music, harmony and dissonance” takes you on a journey through time and at the heart of the links between music and wine until June 24th, 2018.
With almost 150 visual and audible artworks, the temporary exhibition “Wine & Music, harmony and dissonance” takes you on a journey through time and at the heart of the links between music and wine until June 24th, 2018.
Through a tour divided into 6 sections, this temporary exhibition brings together the arts of painting, music and theater:
« From the Renaissance to the end of the 19th century, reminders of the association between wine and music, inspired by antiquity, are numerous and appear in renewed forms in all circles, whether princely, bourgeois or popular. […]
The exhibition reflects this profusion through six themed sections and nearly 150 works from French and European collections. Recordings of operas, excerpts of ballets and unpublished drinking songs are offered for listening and form musical interludes along the journey. »
More informations on « La Cité du Vin » website