Wild Birds of the Bertranges
6 December 2019With the desire to improve their understanding of the potential consequences of renewable energy projects on the wild bird populations of the Bertranges, the Association for the Defence of the Bertranges sought the support of the Charlois Group in undertaking a study of the different species that inhabit this region that is particularly rich in biodiversity.
The study was carried out by the LPO (League for the Protection of Birds), a nationally recognized association of public interest that is dedicated to the protection of wildlife, the preservation of wild spaces, and also works in an educative role, for the promotion of environmental awareness.
Information on the different species present on the Bertranges territory was gathered thanks to data collected by volunteers. Once uploaded onto the interactive website www.faune.nievre.org their observations were checked and approved by experienced ornithologists. This database now provides reliable, albeit non-exhaustive, information about bird biodiversity in the Bertranges.
From the 74,479 entries logged on the interactive site, members of the LPO have been able to identify 201 different species some of which, like the Booted Eagle, Montague’s harrier, the Common Sandpiper, the Black Stork, the Yellow-Legged Gull, the Eurasian Tree Sparrow, the Eurasian Scops Owl, the Little Tern and the Northern Lapwing, are endangered species that risk extinction.
This report from the LPO enables the different enterprises and organisations present in the Bertranges to have an overall vision of the region’s wild bird population, and consider development projects, notably those linked to renewable energy, from a different perspective. They are now able to take nature in all its rich biodiversity into account, and be aware of the possible impact on these often fragile and threatened species. More broadly, this type of study demonstrates that care in the siting of wind turbines is vital to the protection of the environment.
Photos: Black Stork, Common Crane, European goldfinch, map of the area covered by the LPO study © D.R.