Tonnellerie Bernard Supports the Black Bee Conservation
11 April 2022
Bees play a crucial role in the pollination of plants that produce fruits we consume daily*. In France, around 70% of the 6,000 documented plant species, both wild and cultivated, rely on insect pollinators, with some plants entirely dependent on them.
By establishing a partnership withBeewizme, Tonnellerie Bernard has chosen to contribute to the conservation of the black honeybee (Apis mellifera mellifera) by increasing the number of colonies in the region.
Beewizme has installed four hives on the tonnellerie’s property, located in the heart of the Cognac vineyards and near the Collinaud stream. The presence of water sources near the hives is crucial for the survival of the colonies. Additionally, the hives have been placed at the bottom of a valley on shaded terrain, sheltered from prevailing winds.
Beewizme’s philosophy is to practice natural beekeeping, where the well-being of the bees is the apiarist’s primary concern. Through this approach, the bees work at their own pace while feeding on their own honey. The apiarist limits the provision of supplemental food (nourrissement) to the bare minimum.
While contributing to the protection and development of black honeybee colonies, Tonnellerie Bernard is also eager to share the surplus honey produced by the bees from its four hives with its clients and employees!
*It should be noted that bees are currently threatened by chemical products, the loss of natural habitats, and changes in agricultural practices.