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Optimal use of the oak raw material

The Charlois Group utilizes 100% of its oak raw material.

26 July 2019

The Groupe Charlois is the largest oak forestry operator in France, managing nearly 10% of the total annual market volume of French oaks. It is also the undisputed leader in the French oak stave (merrain) market. Due to the highly selective quality standards required for stave production, only half of the purchased volume meets the criteria for merrain-grade timber.


Merrain-quality logs must adhere to very precise specifications. The oak trees are over 150 years old, have grown slowly, and feature straight, large-diameter trunks free of knots or protrusions. Only the heartwood of these premium logs, cut into billets and then split into quarters, is used for stave production. The remaining 80%—comprising bark, sapwood, and the pith—becomes by-products of stave production and requires careful repurposing.


This raw material, made precious by its rarity*, motivates us to optimize the use of every part of the tree on a daily basis. Oaks that are not suitable for stave (merrain) production are divided into two categories. The most qualitative part, closest to merrain quality, is internally repurposed into railway sleepers, oak products for oenology, or oak shingles. Offcuts from these products (such as trimmings, edgings, and sawdust), referred to as by-products, are externally repurposed into fuel, particle boards, and other applications.


As for the tree crown left in the forest, the largest branches are cut into firewood, while the smaller branches are left on site. This contributes to the enrichment of humus and supports biodiversity by providing shelter for insects and fungi.



*In France, oak staves (merrains) account for an average of 1% of the annual production volume of hardwood sawmills, railway timber, and staves, while representing 12% of their total value. Additionally, it is estimated that approximately 3% of the oaks harvested annually in France meet merrain-quality standards.



Photographs : © Christophe Deschanel




Acquisition of Graf Brothers by Charlois

24 July 2024
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