Joël Dasvin, sculptor
As Joel Dasvin likes to say, he “came to stone carving, or perhaps the other way around. “Installed in his workshop in Chaulgnes, Joel Dasvin, stonemason, mostly works in direct size.
As Joel Dasvin likes to say, he “came to stone carving, or perhaps the other way around. “Installed in his workshop in Chaulgnes, Joel Dasvin, stonemason, mostly works in direct size.
The growing season for non-evergreen trees such as oak is the time of year, from leaf emergence in the spring to fall yellowing. This period is marked by a strong activity of trees (growth, fruiting).
An uneven-aged high stand is characterized by a stand of trees with all stages of development, from seedlings to old high forest. This mixture can be more or less balanced in the different age and diameter classes.
For more than 200 years, oak has been part of the Charlois family’s DNA. It is the passion for this tree which animates the group still today. Without this passion, adventure would not be possible.
In the treatment of a regular high forest, the trees are educated in a stand of the same age and of similar dimensions. The exploitation concerns all the stands of a given plot when its regeneration is programmed.
The Tronçais National Forest has an exceptional influence amongst French forests, an influence that goes well beyond mere national borders.
It’s strange, a tree, in winter. Motionless, dark, emaciated. Alone, against a background of white and dull sky. Subjected by the hostile assaults of wind, cold, rain and snow too. What is it doing ? How does it spend time ? Is it waiting ? But what exactly ?
In the month of February the sleeping oaks accumulate their strength in the roots, where most of the sap is concentrated while waiting to awaken at the arrival of spring.