PEFC certification
11 January 2019
PEFC is an international NGO with the ambition to preserve the forests, guarantee the respect of those who live there, work and walk around, but also to sustain the forest resource in order to meet the human needs in wood for today and for the future.
PEFC is an international NGO with the ambition to preserve the forests, guarantee the respect of those who live there, work and walk around, but also to sustain the forest resource in order to meet the human needs in wood for today and for the future.
Affixed to a wooden or wood-based product, the PEFC label guarantees consumers that the product they buy comes from responsible sources and that, through their act of purchase, they participate in the sustainable management of the forests.
With nearly 50 member countries and more than 303 million hectares of certified forest, PEFC is the world leader in forest certification and the world’s leading source of certified wood.
In France, 37 to 38 million m3 of wood are harvested on average every year, including nearly 20 million m3 of PEFC certified wood. PEFC allows to continue to produce wood while guaranteeing the renewal of the forest.
The PEFC certification defines rules of good logging to enable the production of wood while ensuring the preservation and renewal of the forest, and the safety of those who work there.
As a key player in forest management, PEFC certification allows us to assure our customers that harvested, shaped and transported wood comes from sustainably managed forests.
Increasingly stringent wood regulations, responsible public purchasing policies, well-informed consumers : the demand for certified wood products is growing strongly in public and private markets. As world leader in forest certification, PEFC answers to these challenges and adds value to our business while securing our customers on the origin of the wood we use.
100% PEFC
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