La Chênaie alongside the association Foutu Cancer 58
12 November 2024
October is traditionally pink. It is the month dedicated to the fight against breast cancer, a time for prevention and awareness. On this occasion, Florence Vard, president and founder of Foutu Cancer 58, and La Chênaie have joined forces for a common cause.
Foutu Cancer 58
Wednesday, October 9th in Murlin. A day like many others. A fall day, between drizzle and sunshine. Sunshine, precisely, is what it’s all about. A dozen members of Foutu Cancer 58 gathered with the wellness professionals of La Chênaie. “The idea came up during a conversation with Sonia Charlois,” explains Florence, “who is very passionate about the cause. And today, we are here in Murlin with a group of our members.”
The association created by Florence Vard will celebrate its tenth anniversary next year. It was born from the desire to support people affected by the disease as well as their loved ones. “Because good moral support represents 90% of the journey to recovery,” Florence and her volunteers work tirelessly all year long, organizing multiple events, especially during October. “It’s the highlight of the year, that’s true. But the disease offers no respite to those affected. Every dose of well-being, wherever it comes from, is a step toward remission, recovery.”
A beauty and wellness treatment
Several members of the association, whether affected by the disease or not, benefited from a facial treatment provided by the expert and caring hands of Linda and Anne-Sophie, estheticians from La Chênaie. A moment of relaxation and well-being lasting about twenty minutes, generously offered by La Chênaie, this enchanted break took place in the natural, green setting of Murlin, in the heart of the Bertranges forest. This initiative is not the only one credited to the cosmetic product line. 10% of all sales made during October at the La Chênaie boutique in Murlin will be donated to Foutu Cancer 58 to help the association support and accompany those fighting the disease daily.
Photo © D.R.
Boutique La Chênaie
13, Route des Bertranges
Le Bourg
58 700 Murlin
Open Wednesday to Friday
9 am – 1 pm / 2 pm – 5 pm