Gérard Soulet, Head of Operational Excellence, Charlois group
26 October 2021
At the end of September, the 27 CSR* representatives from the Group’s companies and the committee met in Murlin (or via videoconference for those based further afield) for an annual review of our CSR activities and a presentation of our new objectives. Sylvain Charlois also took the opportunity to talk about the appointment of Gérard Soulet as “Head of Operational Excellence”.
A terroir that has been in Gérard’s blood since childhood
Born in Cognac, Gérard Soulet grew up in an environment closely associated with the land, the vines and cooperage. The son of a cooper, Gérard also comes from a family of winegrowers through his grandfather and uncle. He has been immersed in this culture from an early age, listening to stories and anecdotes unbeknownst to those relating them: “I heard discussions about barrels, Cognac, distillation, a whole world that fascinated me. It’s true that with a father and two brothers employed at Martell, the discussions were often centred around these subjects so I could hardly escape them.”
After he finished school, Gérard naturally went into the cooperage trade, having heard his family constantly talking about it, using words such as “work of art”, “craftsmanship”, “pride”, “respect”, as well as ” toughness” and “stamina”. At the age of 19, he began an apprenticeship at Martell, alternating practical work experience in the company’s Cognac workshops with theory at the apprentice training centre: “The apprenticeship didn’t disappoint me, because it took guts, it was tough, and there were men with strong characters – master coopers, “Meilleurs Ouvriers de France” (Best Craftsmen in France) – who guided my training with a firm hand.”
After two years working in an industrial cooperage, where he discovered mechanised work, Gérard rejoined the great Martell family of coopers in 1990: “That’s when I discovered pieceworking**, which meant that if you weren’t skilful or hard-working, the pay was meagre. But I discovered another family and an atmosphere that many people envied.”
The Martell Cooperage, which changed its name to Tonnellerie Leroi in 2005, was acquired by the Charlois Group in 2009. In 2012, Gérard, who had risen through the ranks rung by rung, was proud to accept the role of production manager.
Operational excellence at the heart of the Charlois group’s policy
Gérard has been committed to the Charlois Group for many years and is no stranger to challenges, so it was only natural for him to accept his new role: “Committed to respecting the material, the environment and resources, I am now putting my experience and energy to work to achieve operational excellence.”
It is a mission that demands rigour and expertise, and one that this man of conviction is determined to perform well. Gérard’s role will be to audit, monitor and support each of the Group’s companies in their pursuit of operational excellence.
Inspired by the “5S”*** method, the operational excellence policy is founded on participative management, which also enables staff to take responsibility for improving the organisation on a site and to enhance efficiency and productivity. It is also instrumental in ensuring employees’ well-being in the workplace and conveying a positive image of the Group’s companies.
The foundations of the Group’s operational excellence were laid down many years ago by Sylvain Charlois. Gérard’s task is to put in place a similar methodology for all the companies, along with sustainable standards and automatic systems, and to create a common dynamic across the Group.
*The CSR representatives are responsible for implementing the Group’s CSR policy within each of its companies.
**Piecework payment was abolished in 2006.
***The 5S Rule (“Seiri”, i.e. sort; “Seiton”, set in order; “Seiso”, shine; “Seiketsu”, standardise; “Shitsuke”, sustain) is a Japanese workplace organisational method designed to improve efficiency and increase productivity.
Photography @ Christophe Deschanel