Forêt de la Doué, june 2021
22 June 2021
Initiated in March 2019, after significant preparatory work on the plot, the (re)forestation program at La Doué, located on the edge of the Bertranges state forest, has entered its third year of existence.
This planted forest, still in the seedling growth stage (1 to 5 years), is thriving thanks to favorable climatic and geological conditions of this forest site, as well as the strategic choice of a mixed population of deciduous and coniferous trees.
The mix of species was selected based on soil conditions but also to help this young forest resist climatic challenges. The predominant species is oak, comprising over 65%, followed by Douglas fir, along with smaller proportions of other deciduous trees like beech and hornbeam.
Characteristics of the Forest Site
The climate at this site is characterized by an annual rainfall of approximately 850 mm, fairly evenly distributed, and an average temperature of about 10°C. The altitude ranges between 225 and 280 meters.
The geology of the massif consists of clay with flintstones, developed over Dogger and Malm limestones. The soils are predominantly clayey, with a significant amount of small flintstones (silexites) in some areas.
These soils have good water retention with efficient drainage. Overall, these nutrient-rich soils offer high forest potential, especially conducive to the growth of oak and Douglas fir.
The La Doué forest includes several tree species planted through the reforestation program, as well as many other spontaneous species typical of forest flora, such as the foxglove (Digitalis purpurea, toxic to humans) whose main pollinators are bumblebees, ferns, and broom.
The presence of two ponds, dug during the plot’s preparation, enhances the biodiversity of this forest. Additionally, tree residues (branches, crowns, etc.) were arranged in windrows in 2018 to enrich the soil over the seasons.
This successful (re)forestation initiative at La Doué continues to grow, and we look forward to sharing updates on its development in the years to come!
*Planting and natural regeneration are the two main methods of renewing forest stands. In the Bertranges state forest, the ONF (National Forests Office) uses natural regeneration to renew stands, relying on the natural reproductive cycle of the existing populations.
**A windrow refers to a row of branches and debris formed during tree felling or land clearing for reforestation.
Photographs © Christophe Deschanel