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“Best Apprentice in France” Contest – The Future is Here!

6 June 2024

It was a crowd of great significance at Murlin for the award ceremony of the Departmental and Regional Best Apprentices of France competition. Around 300 people, including the 78 participants in the competition, attended the ceremony.


The meeting was scheduled for 6 PM on Friday, May 31 at Murlin. Accompanied by their parents, friends, teachers, or masters of apprenticeship, the candidates arrived and gathered on the terrace at the back of the Auberge des Bertranges. “Being on time is a duty for a MAF candidate,” joked Jean-Claude Duplessis, president of the Nivernaise association of…Meilleurs Ouvriers de France (MOF) Jean-Claude Duplessis, president of the Nivernaise association of MAF, who organizes the MAF competition, continued, “It’s always a pleasure to see the youth take up the torch and engage in this pursuit of excellence.” This approach is based on the candidates’ voluntary commitment. Among the guests, a few proudly wore the blue-white-red collar, the symbol of Meilleurs Ouvriers de France (MOF). They were there to present the awards to the winners, pleased to see so many young people participating in the MAF competition this year—a record year, according to those present. A record year in several ways: the number of candidates, 78, and the number of gold medalists, 21, who have earned their ticket to theconcours national which will take place in Lyon from June 6 to 9.


A springboard for the future

As a seasoned master of ceremonies, Jean-Claude Duplessis (MOF – ornamentalist and roofer) kicks off the awards ceremony for the medalists. And there’s plenty to celebrate. 6 bronze medals, 9 silver, and 46 gold for the departmental level, along with 25 silver medals and 21 gold medals for the regional level. It’s also an opportunity to thank Charlois for their warm welcome and support in organizing this event that highlights our precious trades and the transmission of craftsmanship. This sentiment was echoed by Pascal Thomas, president of the Chamber of Trades and Craftsmanship, who stated, “The artisanal sector is essential, these are professions driven by passion, professions that have meaning, with sometimes ancestral skills that are passed down.” He also praised all “these business owners – large or small – who take these young people under their wing to guide them toward excellence.”.


Bravo les jeunes

One by one, the young recipients come forward to collect their diplomas and medals, receiving applause from friends, professionals, teachers, and family. Because the MAF and MOF community is truly a large family. Jean-Louis Verdez (MOF – Coppersmith) also congratulates the young people for their dedication, encouraging them to continue their efforts: “This is a springboard to success, you’re on the right path. Never lose the passion for the craft you’ve chosen.” The flashes of cameras go off as everyone wants to capture the moment. One can feel the pride in the eyes of the parents and teachers. Here, there are congratulations, there, embraces, and a bit further, a firm and long handshake between a boss and his apprentice, accompanied by a heartfelt hug.
As the ceremony draws to a close, after the customary thank-yous, the final words go to Jean-Claude Duplessis, quoting Condorcet to the young medalists: “Choose a job that compensates for its cost with the pleasure it provides,” and adding, “You will remember that in this Olympic year in France, you too will have your medal.”.



Represented establishments :

CFA Polyvalent / Bâtiment – Marzy

Lycée Le Mont Châtelet – Varzy

LP Jean-Rostand – Nevers

LP François-Mitterrand – Château-Chinon

École Notre Dame – Couloutre



Lauréats Or Région 

Arts de la Table :

Anaïs Borne

Morgan Montupet

Dessert Restaurant :

Marine Pfeiffer

Accompagnement à la personne :

Agathe D’Asnières de Salins

Hermeline Dejoie

Anne-Hélène Gaudet

Métiers de la Mode :

Mathilde Beaude

Marthe De Boisanger

Solène De Cabannes De Cauna

Lou-Anne Moison

Aysha Outmanzay

Shokria Outmanzay

Agnès Peyret-Lacombe

Ferronnerie :

Oriac Le Breton

Marqueterie :

Sarah Bertrand

Jehnny Boulloy

Ébénisterie :

Rémy Perret-Gentil

Théo Petillot

Électricien :

Nicolas Surtel

Couverture Bâtiment :

Jules Delamotte

Study and Design of Fittings:

Hautemain Raggi



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