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Act in the interest of honeybees

12 July 2019

Bees take an active part in pollinating plants which produce fruits we daily consume. In France, around 70% of the 6000 plants species listed are pollinating by the pollinating insects and some of them fully depend on that.


Charlois Group wishes to reintroduce hives in Murlin, in close proximity to the Bertranges forest. To complete this project, Charlois Group asked to Sébastien Guillerand (Abeilles et Découvertes), beekeeper installed in Poiseux, to install 10 hives in the municipality. By that action, Charlois Group supports local initiative, protection of bees and development of bee colonies by artificial swarming.


In addition, Charlois Group plant many flowers in Murlin to diversify sources of nectar and pollen*. This kind of action may be made by each one of us in his garden or on his balcony to help bees to produce the honey they need to survive.



*Bees cover a radius of 3 kilometers around their hive et have to forage hundreds of thousands flowers to make 1 kg of honey; one bee produce around 1 gram of honey during its life.


Pictures : © Christophe Deschanel

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