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Bordeaux Wines – RSE Label “Bordeaux Cultivons Demain”

9 December 2022

On December 8, the CIVB (Conseil Interprofessionnel du Vin de Bordeaux) hosted an RSE (Corporate Social Responsibility) event for the 56 companies in the Bordeaux wine industry that are committed to the “Bordeaux Cultivons Demain” initiative and have been awarded the label.

About “Bordeaux Cultivons Demain”

This initiative aims to structure, amplify, and highlight CSR efforts within the Bordeaux wine industry, focusing on:

Biodiversity preservation

Carbon footprint reduction

Employee welfare

Engagement with stakeholders, consumers, and local communities

The program includes a label based on a tailored framework, reflecting the unique characteristics and professions of the wine sector.

Charlois Group’s Contribution

The Charlois Group, represented by Agustina Michemberg, RSE Director, was invited to share its perspective as a key stakeholder in the wine industry. During her presentation, Agustina highlighted the group’s RSE commitments, including:

Sustainable Forest Management:

  • Sourcing from PEFC/FSC-certified forests.
  • Optimizing material yield to ensure 100% utilization of oak resources.

Environmental Impact Reduction:

  • Decreasing carbon emissions through:

Reducing the number of barrel hoops (representing 28% of emissions).

Minimizing packaging.

Certifications and Expertise:

  • Continuous enhancement of skills and processes.

Reforestation Initiatives:

  • Active tree planting programs to support long-term sustainability.

Shared Values and Practices

The event fostered valuable exchanges and insights between Bordeaux wine companies and the Charlois Group, united by their commitment to ethical and sustainable practices rooted in their local territories.

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