14 – The Forest in Nivernais – Hunting with guns: before running hare
20 September 2018
The fourteenth postcard of the series “The Forest in Nivernais” depicts a hunter resting with four hunting dogs (three beagles and one Griffon Nivernais) in a clearing in the forest of Bertranges.
The fourteenth postcard of the series “The Forest in Nivernais” depicts a hunter resting with four hunting dogs (three beagles and one Griffon Nivernais) in a clearing in the forest of Bertranges.
When he took this photography, viscount Raoul d’Anchald was practicing diligently hunting with hounds. Achille Millien regularly accompanied him during his hunts in the forests of Poiseux, Prémery, Charnouveau or Bertranges. A few years later, Anchald had a pack of Griffons Nivernais and also created in 1925 the Club du Griffon Nivernais.
The hunting season started a few days ago in the Nièvre. Hunting is still widespread in the Nièvre as the Departmental Federation of hunting has more than 8000 members.
Achille Millien complements the postcard with verses of poetry about hunting hares: “O lièvre, je plains ton destin ; / Oui, tu t’es levé ce matin / Sous une étoile malfaisante : / Ces quatre gaillards que voici / Près du maître assis dans la sente, / Te donneront bien du souci.”