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Map of the Mauboux, Charmée de Nion and Grand Ratilly forests (1789)

28 February 2019

Mauboux, Charmée de Nion and Grand Ratilly forests once depended on the Châtellenie of Montenoison, belonging to the Counts, then to the Dukes of Nevers.

Mauboux, Charmée de Nion and Grand Ratilly forests once depended on the Châtellenie of Montenoison, belonging to the Counts, then to the Dukes of Nevers. Those former ducal forests are located on the Ourouër and Nolay municipalities and are now private forests.

The atlas indicates that the Mauboux forest, containing 409 arpents and 66 perches (approximately 210 hectares) and divided in 6 cuts, the Charmée de Nion forest, containing 196 arpents and 52 perches (approximately 100 hectares) and divided in 3 cuts, and the Grand Ratilly forest, containing 46 arpents and 67 perches (approximately 23,5 hectares), were grouped to the Lacs de Ligny and Bois Dieu forests to form a single 18 cuts rotation started in 1789. Wood logged in those forests were sold in Nevers and intended for local consumption.




Acquisition of Graf Brothers by Charlois

24 July 2024
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